Found 1929 Search Results for Project Portfolio Management

    Project Portfolio Management KPIs

    Project portfolio management KPIs communicate value to the business. Forrester provides some insightful recommendations in this new report.

    Cast Your Thoughts on the State of Project and Portfolio Management for 2017

    We’ve been benchmarking project and portfolio management through an annual survey for three years now and have seen some surprising and not so surprising insights come out of it. When asking 100+ project and portfolio management professionals, it is always interesting to see how project management changes over time and how among all the changes...

    Why “old skool” project management software is disastrous for portfolio management

    LinkedIn0Share0Tweet0Pin0Email0 In the serious and structured world of project management – where buying staples has an audit trail and lunch is seen as a deliverable – it’s strangely common for project mangers to find themselves thrust into portfolio management. There they are, happily rolling past milestones and religiously reading the Clarizen blog (right?). And then […]

    Project Portfolio Management Outcomes

    See why leaders planning initiatives must consider project portfolio management outcomes to determine which will return the most value to the organization.

    Project Portfolio Management Trends

    Are you ready for 2017? Not if you plan on doing everything like you did in 2016. Discover five project portfolio management trends to consider.